We are currently meeting online;
please contact us for information on how to access the online meetings.
Every Sunday
Three independent sessions - attend any or all
4 - 4:20pm Tea & social time
4:20 - 5pm Book Discussion
Current book: Kaira Jewel Lingo's
We Were Made For These Times
5 - 6pm Meditation
Every Wednesday
Mindfulness Circle (integrated practice)
7 - 8pm Introduction to sitting and walking
meditation, a brief reading from
Thich Nhat Hahn, and discussion of the
joys and challenges of living more
Year Established
Withered Tree is a non-sectarian Buddhist meditation group. We practice sitting and walking meditation to cultivate mindfulness. We read and discuss books and sutras to deepen our understanding of the dharma.
Withered Tree seeks to embody the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha by providing space for the West Michigan community to practice meditation, receive instruction, and engage in discussion about mindfulness and awareness in contemporary life.
Special Events
We will resume our events when it is safe to do so.
Contact For More Info
TEXT: 616-914-0409
The Yoga Studio
959 Lake Dr. Suite 206
Grand Rapids, MI 49506